Sunday, July 22, 2012

Strike A Pose!

 I have so far kept my word on not buying anymore monster high dolls, instead, I fuel my passion for them by buying them new clothes and keeping them well dressed!  I have selected so many favorites of clothes on etsy, I must have about a dozen pages of them!

 Me and my granny kitty Ashes bid you all a lovely Sunday!  She was snoozing after a 30 minute in bed cuddle session/attacking feet session, she is an old lady after all and needs her bouts of rest!
 Oh lordy! I need more storage tubs already, they filled up fast with etsy merchandise!

 My slow ever growing pez dispenser collection!

MY SEA MONKEYS! hard to fathom that brine shrimp are actually considered adorable, at least I think so!  Sorry again for a long absence again, but I have been busy and napping again in the afternoons, looks like I may need to take iron supplements again due to my recent frequent fatigue spells.  I am working on some all new goodies for the shop, I have actually already posted a few of the sort, but I am working on a crap ton more, so stay tuned!  And I want to take this time to wish the family and friends of the deceased  victims, and those that are injured in this terrible tragedy of the Aurora, CO Batman Midnight Showing Shooting massacre my deepest condolences, sympathy, thoughts, and prayers.  So far of my knowledge 12 innocent people lost their lives and dozens others injured and several of those critically wounded trying to hold onto their lives at this moment.  This is a time for remembrance and reflection, and many others out there seeing this and other movies, please stay safe and cautious.  I was planning on seeing the midnight showing, but have decided against seeing it in theaters all together, I will wait to rent it on netflix.  Staying home these days isn't such a terribly bad idea.

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