Thursday, August 2, 2012

Collections Are A Fickle Thing...

 HOLY CANNOLI!  I ended up recruiting enough ladies to make a tv show! ahhh! Let me introduce to you my newest ladies!
 Miss Laguna Blue...she is a mermaid and very feminine!
 Technically this one doesn't have a name, she is one of those self assembling monsters, she was referred to as a witch, so I named her Miss Glendah Goodwich, and yes, she is good, not bad.....
 This is another Frankie Stein doll, but I already have one, so I renamed her Francine, Frankie's twin...haha I love my creativity!
 The one I looked long and hard for, Miss Spectra Vondergeist, the ghost...she is lofty and graceful!
 A musician and diva after my own heart....Miss Operetta. She rocks!
 Here is Miss Nefera De fierce model, she takes her new minxdenpartdeux modeling job very seriously!
 Miss Robecca Steam, very sweet and daring too...I love her gears and gadgets!
 Miss Clawdeen Wolf, a warewolf with lovely style!
 Miss Abby Bomidable, a yeti who hates the heat, but she is content with my AC going on full blast....
 This one is also a put together one, a cat monster, so I simply named her Kat.  She is interesting indeed, very wild, and hates shoes! Although she quietly asked me for a wig, and I told her one is in the mail and on it's way, my first gift to her! She squealed and hugged me! lol  She also didn't have much in the way of clothing, so I gave her some pants and feet warmers...

buh bye for now!!


  1. Hey Lauren: Just found your new blog and hope everything is going well with you. It looks as though your new Etsy shop is really cranking. Good for you!! Thanks for your comment on my blog about the shoe shining. Our dads really give us some memories, don't they?

  2. everything is great, thank you! yeah my etsy shop is doing very well, especially in this last month! I sure hope this lasts! I keep checking back on your etsy shop, you always have such beautiful things! keep in touch, glad to see you commenting on my new blog, gives me great comfort having my loyal blog readers and friends following me to my new blog!

