Look at this bitchin' necklace I just made for myself! It's nothin but vintage my little pony combs accessories!
Aren't these the freakin greatest? if you are an avid fan of the movie "A Christmas Story" like I am, then you will know what these things are! I will be also making myself a necklace with these! stay tuned!
My 2 newest stray ponies up for adoption! give them a good home before Christmas will ya?
More MPD jewelry to boot! Ok since it has been 20 whole days since I last posted I will be kind enough to give you some updates, there are some hefty ones!
1. The TSO (for those of you dummies have know idea what I am talking about I will translate...Trans-Siberian Orchestra) Concert was f#$king EPIC I tell ya! so many lasers, fog, bass loud enough to nearly rupture your ear drums, awesome musicians, an electric violin I want more than winning any ol lottery!, fireworks, fire, oh man I could go on for months bragging and boasting about this concert! So I will stop now!
2. I got a JOB! AND THIS JOB IS THE ULTIMATE JOB! it's a decent paying job, great benefits, need I say more? AND FREAKIN FULL TIME HOURS FOR ONCE!
3. I am taking a road trip solo (gotta leave the mister behind with the furr kids since he cannot take off from work) to my home state to visit family and totally suprise the tinkle out of my grandparents by delivery in a box curtosy of my parents and sis! I haven't seen my grand parents in 7 months and they think i AM NOT GOING TO BE DOWN FOR THE HOLIDAYS, but little do they know I WILL BE IN 6 DAYS!
4. My hubby and I will have the best damn christmas ever! we are getting each other a shit ton of cheap but cool colorful gifts, cheesy, noisy, almost like being kids ourselves! And we filled each other's stockings to the point of overflowing with various candy, gag gifts, novelty, even the cool mini bottles of booze! Oh yeah we are also doing our tradition of building our ginger bread house on xmas day while snacking and watching xmas movies, then destroy it on new years day!!
I think that is it for now! Since I start my new job on the 10th, blogging will be even less frequent so I apologize in advance....Hope everyone had a great turkey day and gained the righteous 5-10 pounds due to over eating that glorious meat we call turkey! Until then, see you later bizzitches!